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woman in pyjama wondering about menopause brain fog

Menopause Brain Fog: What Is It?

Menopause brain fog sounds scary but brain fog is familiar to many women during pregnancy. Seemingly overnight, the ability to process information and solve problems is impaired. You think you’re losing your mind. You have difficulty concentrating and remembering common words. It feels like a cloud of fog has wrapped around your head and darkened […]

Zinc and menopause - showing different food sources of zinc

Zinc and Menopause: 7 Proven Benefits

Does zinc help with menopause? Menopause is a time when a woman’s body goes through some changes. These changes, such as hot flashes, night sweats, and weight gain, can be unpleasant. But there are some things you can do to help manage these symptoms, and one of them is taking zinc supplements. In this blog, […]

alcohol detox at home - detox drinks in glasses

30 Facts About Alcohol Detox at Home

Alcohol detox at home is possible with proper preparation and guidance. While professional medical help is often necessary for detox, not everyone has access or the desire to go through a formal rehab program. It is possible to do an alcohol detox at home successfully. In this article, we will explore the basics of alcohol […]

gluten free diet plan for 2024

Gluten Free Diet Plan 2024

Thinking about a perfect gluten-free diet plan? You’re not alone. During the past decade, there has been an impressive increase in the popularity of the gluten-free diet (GFD) which is now the trendiest alimentary habit in the United States and other countries. According to recent surveys, as many as 100 million Americans consume gluten-free products […]

iodine solution

Iodine: Solution for Disasters and More

Iodine is a trace element that the body needs to produce vital thyroid hormones. In phases when there is a secure supply of iodine through food, the body builds up a certain supply of it. An iodine deficiency only occurs after long periods of insufficient supply. Read here what a long-term iodine deficiency or an […]

Is hemp protein keto friendly

Is Hemp Protein Keto Friendly?

Hemp protein, like all other products that contain the word “hemp,” has long been viewed with suspicion. In fact, hemp protein is suitable for the keto diet, especially for those who are vegan and keto. The protein from the hemp plant is of very high quality and an excellent substitute for animal protein. Not least […]

Probiotic drinks and other foods with probiotics

Best Probiotic Drinks for You

Probiotics come in the form of foods, dietary supplements, and even gummies, but did you know about simple and inexpensive probiotic drinks? Since probiotics contain viable microorganisms that are said to affect the intestines and the immune system positively, consuming them regularly and in natural form seems like a no-brainer. But what are the best […]

How to do an egg cleanse: full instructions

How to Do an Egg Cleanse

Have you heard of the egg cleanse but are not sure what it is all about? Egg cleanse is a traditional folk practice that has been around for centuries. This practice is prevalent in many cultures, including Latin America, Asia, and Africa. An egg cleanse is a spiritual cleansing ceremony used to remove negative energy, […]

Ketobiotic diet considers both the ketogenic principles and the promotion of a healthy gut microbiome

Understanding the Ketobiotic Diet

If you are a health enthusiast, you must have heard about the “Ketobiotic Diet.” It is quickly becoming a buzzword in the health and fitness world. As the name suggests, it is a blend of two popular diets- ketogenic and probiotics. The Ketobiotic diet is believed to offer unique benefits to the body and lead […]

Hemp protein vs whey - a comparison of plant-based and animal-based protein sources

Hemp Protein vs Whey: Which One to Choose

When it comes to the debate “hemp protein vs whey” among protein supplements, hemp and whey are among the most popular choices. But, what are the differences between them, and which one should you choose? In this blog post, we will compare hemp protein vs whey: their nutritional values, benefits, and taste of hemp protein […]

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